Why do we have to die and what can we learn from single cell research

Dozent: Dr. med. Ralf Oettmeier

The biological single cell research (e.g using the Paramecia) was able to demonstrate that we (theoretical) can live forever. But despite of this we must die – but why?

Yes, our body consist of billions of cells, has separate organs, is practicing a lot of specialized functions and the metabolic pathways are very complicated. But what is the limiting factor why we must die. When we compare this with other animals, we reach only rank five regarding life expectancy. Why?

This webinar will clear focus on the most influencing factors on this topic.
It will help you to promote personal responsibility and health awareness, increase your knowledge of the background to ageing and how to influence it.
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Basis-Plus : 32,90 CHF
Basis : 32,90 CHF


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